14. Nano Ferulic Acid

Nano Ferulic acid has a size of 20-50 nm, completely retaining the chemical structure and biological nature of Ferulic acid, providing a product with high safety, outstanding and fast effectiveness. Nano Ferulic acid is completely soluble in water, increasing bioavailability to the maximum level.

What is ferulic acid?

Ferulic acid is a plant-based antioxidant. It is mainly used in anti-aging skin care products. Among all anti-aging products, Ferulic Acid is the active ingredient that is often found to be as effective as Retinol.

Health benefits

  1. Prevent aging
    Thanks to its ability to inhibit and neutralize free radicals; At the same time, it also prevents them from growing by inhibiting the enzymes that create them. Ferulic acid helps prevent the aging process, maintains firm, smooth skin and effectively repels wrinkles. Hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone will be significantly improved. The skin becomes gradually whiter thanks to the gradual removal of dark spots.
  2. Limit the harmful effects of UV rays
    Using Ferulic acid can significantly limit the harmful effects of UV rays, thereby improving damage and making the skin healthier and younger. Combining Ferulic acid with vitamin C and vitamin E will prevent the risk of stress or oxidation for the skin.
  3. Reduce inflammation
    The oxidation process that clogs pores is one of the factors that cause skin inflammation and acne to develop. Ferulic acid helps fight this inflammatory effect, keeping the skin clean and healthy.

Nano Ferulic Acid is produced using modern Nano technology

The introduction of nano-form Ferulic acid will retain the medicinal properties of Ferulic acid, while increasing bioavailability, thanks to reducing molecular size and increasing targeting ability.

The process of formulating the Nano Ferulic Acid microemulsion system by OIC NEW

The process of formulating the Nano Ferulic Acid microemulsion by OIC NEW has been granted Patent No. 39937 by the Intellectual Property Office.

Nano Ferulic Acid Certificate of Analysis

Liquid Nano Ferulic Acid is superior, thanks to:

  • Ferulic acid raw materials imported from the US reach 80% purity (the highest in the world), almost completely removing impurities, safe, benign, with no side effects.
  • Ferulic acid nanoparticles with extremely small particle size of 20 – 50 nanometers, stable, perfectly absorbed into the blood and cells, not eliminated.
  • The solution is completely soluble in water, absorbs up to 99.9%.
  • Nanoparticles are spherical in shape, accurately targeting the damaged site, avoiding wasting medicinal materials.
  • Increase efficiency, reduce dosage, reduce costs.

Packaging specifications and packaging materials

Packaging: 0.5 liters, 1 liter, 2 liters, 3 liters, 4 liters, 5 liters, 10 liters, 15 liters, 20 liters.
Close the glass jar or plastic container. Packaging meets quality standards used in food according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.
For detailed information about ordering nano materials, please contact:
Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company – OIC NEW
No. 42, BT2, Linh Dam Peninsula, Hoang Liet Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi.
Hotline: 1900 63 69 13

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