40. Nano Lutein

Nano Lutein is hundreds of times more effective than regular lutein

What is Lutein?

Lutein, known as the “eye vitamin,” is a carotenoid antioxidant best known for protecting eye health. Like many other antioxidants, lutein is found in brightly colored foods such as fruits and vegetables – especially green vegetables and dark orange or yellow fruits. In Latin, luteus means “gold”. Lutein is a Carotenoid compound that exists most abundantly in the brain and macula of the eye. In the human body, carotenoids act as antioxidants as well as essential components that make up the body. The human body is not capable of synthesizing lutein on its own and needs to supplement it through dark green vegetables and fruits or through other supplements.

Lutein is usually extracted from sunflowers

Lutein acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. Lutein, also known as plant progesterone, is a natural colorant found in bananas, kiwis, cabbage and lavender. Lutein has a very complex chemical structure and cannot be synthesized. Lutein can only be extracted from plants. Lutein after extraction has very important applications in the field of food and health.

Uses of Lutein

Preventing macular degeneration in the eyes

Macular degeneration, also known as macular degeneration, is the degeneration of macular cells that causes the eye to lose the ability to see details in the center of vision, leading to a decrease in central vision, making images blurred. seen as blurred, the middle part of the image is distorted and deformed.

Lutein protects the eyes by filtering out the proportion of short-wavelength UV rays that negatively affect sensitive parts of the eye such as the retina (macula). Lutein helps filter out 90% of blue wavelengths (the type of light emitted from electronic devices such as phones, televisions, computers, energy-saving LED bulbs, fluorescent lights…) which have high energy due to visible light and the resulting spectra. Researchers at Harvard University found that supplementing with 6 milligrams of lutein daily can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by an average of 43%.

Another study found that nutritional supplements containing lutein and zeaxanthin effectively increased the optical density of retinal pigments in the eye – a factor that helps protect the eye’s retina against the development of degeneration. macula.

Similarly, other studies show that high dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin along with vitamin E is associated with a significantly reduced risk of cataract formation. Although research is still in the early stages, results show that taking lutein three times weekly for up to two years has been shown to improve vision in older people who already have cataracts. Other eye health benefits of lutein include helping to reduce eye strain, glare and light sensitivity, helping to keep the lens and retina at proper density, strengthening eye tissue and helping to enhance vision.

Helps protect skin health

In addition to their important role in the eyes, carotenoids including lutein and zeaxanthin also provide benefits for the skin. To protect skin health and fight skin cancer, lutein helps filter high-energy wavelengths of sunlight, slowing the rate of oxidation. Some animal studies show evidence that lutein protects against light-induced skin damage, such as signs of aging and skin cancer.

May help reduce the risk of cancer

Some evidence suggests that people who consume more lutein from their diet have lower rates of breast, colon, cervical, and lung cancer. Although we don’t know exactly how lutein affects cancer, studies have correlated adults with higher blood lutein levels with a reduced risk of developing some common forms of cancer.

Lutein may act as a natural cancer treatment because foods rich in lutein (like green vegetables and citrus fruits) also provide antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients that reduce inflammation that causes inflammation. disease and oxidative stress. However, at this time, more research is needed to help us understand the effects of lutein and other carotenoids on cancer, immunity, hormones, and cardiovascular health.

Some observational studies suggest that xanthophyll carotenoids including lutein may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Just as the previously mentioned studies show potential cancer-protective effects of lutein, researchers aren’t sure exactly how lutein improves heart health. Because lutein has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it appears to benefit heart health by reducing inflammation, which is an underlying cause of cardiovascular disease.

Studies conducted by the University of Southern California show that low levels of lutein in the blood can contribute to the thickening of artery walls. This increases the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and blockages coronary artery disease can lead to heart attacks. USC observational studies show that people with the highest levels of lutein in their blood have less plaque buildup in their arteries. The converse is also true: the fewer lutein-rich plant foods, the more damaged arteries are. more congestion.

Can maintain cardiovascular health

Some observational studies suggest that xanthophyll carotenoids including lutein may help reduce the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Just as the previously mentioned studies show potential cancer-protective effects of lutein, researchers aren’t sure exactly how lutein improves heart health. Because lutein has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it appears to benefit heart health by reducing inflammation, which is an underlying cause of cardiovascular disease.

Studies conducted by the University of Southern California show that low levels of lutein in the blood can contribute to the thickening of artery walls. This increases the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and blockages in the coronary arteries that can lead to heart attacks. USC observational studies show that people with the highest levels of lutein in their blood have less plaque buildup in their arteries. The converse is also true: the fewer lutein-rich plant foods, the more damaged arteries are. more congestion.

Nano Lutein is produced using modern nano technology

Nano Lutein is an ingredient prepared by Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company from sunflowers. Nano Lutein has the effect of protecting eyes from the risk of degeneration, protecting skin health, preventing the risk of cancer and enhancing cardiovascular health.

Nano Lutein has overcome the weakness of Lutein’s poor absorption by reducing Lutein to a microscopic form with a size of 20 – 30 nm without completely changing the original chemical structure and biological nature. , providing products with high safety, outstanding efficiency and speed. Nano Lutein is completely soluble in water, increasing bioavailability to the maximum level.

Nano Lutein liquid material is superior thanks to

  • 98% pure Lutein ingredients imported 100% from Japan and auxiliary ingredients imported from the US and EU meeting international pharmacopoeia standards
  • The size of medicinal medicinal particles is extremely small, only 20-30 nanometers
  • Lutein nanoparticles are spherical, stable, and not destroyed by gastric acid
  • Microemulsion form completely dissolves in water, absorbing 99.9% into blood and cells
  • Exclusive PEG and PLA packaging membranes target the exact location of the injury
  • Nano Lutein is hundreds of times more effective than regular Lutein

Packaging specifications and packaging materials

Packaging: 0.5 liters, 1 liter, 2 liters, 3 liters, 4 liters, 5 liters, 10 liters, 15 liters, 20 liters

Close the glass jar or plastic container. Packaging meets food quality standards according to regulations of the Ministry of Health

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