46. Nano Cordycepin

Nano Cordycepin has a size of 10-50nm, completely retaining the chemical structure and biological nature of Cordycepin, providing a product with high safety, outstanding and fast effectiveness. Nano Cordycepin is completely soluble in water, increasing bioavailability to the maximum level.

What is Cordycepin?
Cordycepin was first discovered in 1957. Since that time, it has been highly appreciated for its many benefits to human health. According to scientific documents, cordycepin is an antibiotic and purine nucleoside antimetabolite formed by Purin when linked to Ribofuranose by a β – N9 – glucosidic bond. Additional information about this medicinal substance is as follows:
Chemical formula: C10H13N5O3
Molecular mass: 251.24 g/mol
Melting temperature: 225.5°C (437.9°F; 498.6 K)
Chemical formula of Cordycepin
The molecular compound cordycepin is one of the important biological metabolites. A special feature is that it brings many medical functions such as: Supporting incurable diseases, inhibiting the growth and spread of tumors, preventing oxidation, anti-inflammatory, balancing immunity, lowering sugar. blood…
Uses of Nano Cordycepin
Prevent and inhibit the growth of cells that cause incurable diseasesScientific works around the world show that cordycepin is a rare medicinal substance in medicine. It is one of the few substances capable of blocking the production of RNA – the main cause of cancer. On the other hand, cordycepin also helps destroy a large number of T lymphocytes and phagocytes in the body. Thanks to that, cordycepin effectively inhibits the process of synthesizing nucleic acids that create tumors, thereby effectively preventing the risk of cancer.

Effective support for patients with leukemiaAlso during the research process, scientists also discovered the effectiveness of cordycepin for patients with leukemia. The reason for this is because cordycepin has the ability to inhibit leukemia cell adhesion, bringing a healthy body to the user.
Enhances the immune system, is anti-inflammatory, anti-viralNot stopping at supporting patients with incurable diseases, cordycepin also helps fight inflammation, reduce pain and improve immunity. Thanks to that, the user’s body can resist attacks from viruses, bacteria, disease-causing parasites as well as anti-radiation substances…
Nano Cordycepin is produced using modern Nano technology
Nano technology has overcome the weakness of Cordycepin’s poor absorption by reducing Cordycepin to a microscopic form of about 10-50nm in size without completely changing the original chemical structure and biological nature. , providing products with high safety, outstanding efficiency and speed. This ultra-small size and a new generation of targeted packaging will help Nano Cordycepin to be completely soluble in water, increasing bioavailability hundreds of times compared to normal molecular size.
Exclusive preparation process of Nano Cordycepin microemulsion system of Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company
Nano Cordycepin liquid material is superior thanks to:
Cordycepin raw material is extracted from imported cordyceps with 98% purity and auxiliary ingredients imported from the US and EU that meet international pharmacopoeia standards. The size of medicinal medicinal particles is extremely small from only 10-50nm.Cordycepin Nano particles are spherical, stable, and not destroyed by gastric acid. Microemulsion form completely dissolves in water, absorbing 99.9% into blood and cells. Exclusive PEG and PLA encapsulating membranes target the exact location of the injury. Nano Cordycepin is hundreds of times more effective than regular Cordycepin.
Packaging specifications and packaging materials
Packaging: 0.5 liters, 1 liter, 2 liters, 3 liters, 4 liters, 5 liters, 10 liters, 15 liters, 20 liters.
Close the glass jar or plastic container. Packaging meets quality standards used in food according to regulations of the Ministry of Health.
For detailed information about ordering nano materials, please contact:
Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company – OIC NEW
No. 42, BT2, Linh Dam Peninsula, Hoang Liet Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi
Hotline: 1900 63 69 13
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