Since ancient times, the ginkgo tree has been found and is considered a divine medicine that nature bestows. Not only has the use of beauty and nutritious cooking food, but ginkgo also has a great contribution to medicine. Some of the medicinal uses of this plant mentioned below will surely surprise readers!
What is Ginkgo tree?
Ginkgo tree is called with the folk name of Ngan Hanh or Cong Ton tree. The tree is a woody plant that grows to a height of 20-35 meters and has strong vitality. Ginkgo has the ability to withstand the destruction of storms and harsh natural disasters thanks to its deep roots in the ground.

Ginkgo Biloba is a perennial woody plant
Ginkgo has an often pointed canopy and elongated branches. The leaves have a stalk divided into two lobes, the blade is fan-shaped. Ginkgo berries grow in clusters of 3-4 each. The fruit is as big as a plum, the outer skin is hard and smooth. When ripe, the fruit turns yellow and the smell of burnt avocado is very difficult to smell.
Where is the ginkgo tree distributed? Harvest in what season?
It is not wrong to consider the ginkgo tree as a living fossil because this tree is more than 200 million years old. This is an old tree that is grown in many countries such as China, Korea, and Japan. The Japanese ginkgo tree has a sacred meaning and is known as hibaku jumoku. In 1995, ginkgo seeds were first tested in Sa Pa. But because it does not suit the soil, the tree is slow to grow. Today, this species is present in some northern provinces but is very rare.

The tree is quite rare and distributed in a few northern mountainous provinces
The parts used for healing are the leaves and fruit of the ginkgo tree. Autumn is the right time to harvest ripe berries. After harvesting, the fruit is peeled and the flesh inside is removed and steamed, dried, and dried. The hard seeds are dried, the hard shell is removed and only the inner kernel is taken.
Medicinal properties of ginkgo
Preliminarily processed seeds of ginkgo biloba are used in many traditional folk remedies and are often called Ngan Hanh. Honeysuckle seeds have a warm, slightly sweet taste, so they are effective in helping gas and tempering. For people with asthma, cough, sore throat, phlegm, using honeysuckle can quickly relieve the disease. In addition, ginkgo also has detoxifying, antiseptic properties and is used to detoxify alcohol very well.

The leaves and fruits of the tree are used as Eastern and Western medicine
Modern medical studies have also discovered that the kernel of ginkgo contains high levels of protein, fat, sugar, and starch. The rind of ginkgo contains beneficial substances such as bilobol. In particular, ginkgo leaf extract is a rich source of flavonoid compounds. Antioxidants, natural antibiotics bring great healing uses to medicinal herbs. Besides, ginkgo leaves are also rich in flavone glycosides and terpenes.
What are the medicinal uses of ginkgo?
Traditional Vietnamese medicine has recorded the use of ginkgo leaves to treat diseases since 1436. Medicinal herbs are processed into dishes, ginkgo tea and are present in many traditional remedies. In modern Western medicine, ginkgo is used to prepare many tonics for health. So how does this ancient medicinal herb work?

8 surprising uses of ginkgo biloba
Sputum, cough treatment
Ginkgo is known as a medicinal herb with a sweet and bitter taste, so it is very effective as an expectorant, cough, and lung tonic. The patient takes 7 medicinal fruits wrapped with wormwood leaves and then bakes them thoroughly. Then, you divide the medicine equally into two meals to use it will have a sputum effect, preventing asthma

Fresh fruit to treat cough, eliminate phlegm
Treat Asthma and Allergies
Recent US research has announced that ginkgo can cure asthma and allergies. Ginkgo extract soothes inflammation caused by allergies and cuts the link between severe allergies and asthma.
Regulate blood circulation, improve memory
Thanks to the rich flavonoid content, ginkgo is very effective as an antioxidant. Moreover, flavonoids stimulate the activity of the circulatory system. Blood is increased to the brain to repair the damage caused by ischemia. Especially for pre-menopausal women, the elderly, this medicinal herb improves memory loss, insomnia. As a result, the pathology of vascular accident and rupture of blood vessels is prevented in time.
Treatment of vision loss due to diabetes
Diabetes and many dangerous complications can threaten the life of the patient at any time. People with diabetes are prone to cardiovascular diseases, bone and joint diseases and vision loss leading to blindness. Flavonoids are known to be antioxidants that keep the eyes healthy and clear, and fight the risk of cataracts. People who drink ginkgo tea within 6 months can improve vision, reduce retinal damage caused by diabetic complications.

Flavonoids against blindness caused by diabetes complications
Reducing premenstrual syndrome
Ginkgo is included in the remedies for girls in premenstrual age. The active ingredients in the herbal medicine will ease breast and abdominal pain in the first menstrual period. Flavonoid antioxidants increase blood flow to the brain, stimulating the brain to secrete happy hormones.
Relieve pain and numbness in limbs
Pain and numbness in the limbs is a common condition in the elderly or people with poor blood circulation problems. Blood is not strengthened to the extremities, causing pain and stiffness. Especially when the human body remains in the same position for too long, or is overworked, this condition is worse. Clinical studies show that using ginkgo reduces joint pain, numbness in hands and feet after persistent use.

The condition of pain, numbness of hands and feet is improved
Improve thinking ability, help focus and enhance memory
Cases of cerebral circulatory insufficiency, peripheral vascular insufficiency such as memory impairment, loss of concentration, dizziness, tinnitus… Presence of cerebrovascular accident is recommended by experts to use Ginkgo Biloba (white blood cell). fruit) nature to cure. Especially in the elderly, using Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba) to prevent dementia, supplement nutrients for the brain and improve insomnia in the elderly effectively.
Protect nerve cells, prevent platelet aggregation, blood clots
Ginkgo Biloba is an antiplatelet factor, so it is suitable for anticoagulants, blood clots that block blood vessels. When Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) acts on endothelial cells, it can prevent 3-5 Cyclic GMP, prevent the aggregation of platelets, prevent the formation of blood clots and cerebral infarction, cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
The antioxidant effect of Ginkgo Biloba has also been widely studied and applied in first aid and rehabilitation of traffic accidents and is of interest in migraine treatment.
Increase nutrients and oxygen to areas of the brain
Brain researchers also believe that Ginkgo Biloba improves cognitive function, protects the brain and nerve cells because of its effective blood circulation to the organs. A study published in the journal JAMA found that Ginkgo Biloba extract was clinically effective in treating Alzheimer’s dementia. In addition, Ginkgo Biloba is considered an herb that helps preserve memory and promote brain recovery after a stroke.
Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) is extracted from nature and has pharmacological properties related to cerebral circulation, has been applied to the treatment of diseases of the brain. Currently, Ginkgo Biloba (ginkgo) is additionally applied in products to help improve symptoms of cerebral blood circulation, peripheral vascular disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, memory impairment… fruit.
Cure impotence
Ginkgo is likened to the elixir of men who are in a situation where they say they do not listen. Medicinal herbs stimulate blood circulation to the “boy”. As a result, the blood pressure is large enough to improve erection and increase the size of the penis.

The magic potion for men who are physically weak
Effects in beauty
The flavonoid antioxidant compounds contained in ginkgo have great anti-aging properties. The blood circulation helps to make your skin rosy and smooth. Therefore, this medicinal herb is used by many women to make tea and cook dishes to “refurbish” beauty. In addition, people also use this medicinal herb to apply to the skin when sunburned or itchy to soothe the skin.