Today, when people’s living conditions are improving, we want to use the best quality products and services: a restaurant with delicious food, a latest computer or a computer. High definition HD television. A brand that wants to develop sustainably, in addition to marketing tactics and PR campaigns, must rely on product quality as a foundation.

Understanding that, Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company (OIC NEW) always focuses on research and development of good quality products and considers product quality as a guideline to help the brand create a deep impression. deeply in the hearts of consumers.

In the past few years, there have been relatively many products from Vietnam’s Curcumin market and imported products. Under competitive pressure from domestic products as well as products imported into Vietnam, OIC NEW needs to have its own way. To succeed in this fiercely competitive market requires OIC NEW to constantly invest in product development, in addition to have a strategy to create differentiated value.

To achieve success and be well received by consumers, OIC NEW has taken a “different” step in its branding strategy. Brand is one of the most valuable assets of an enterprise, it is expressed not only from business characteristics, products and goods, mental attitude, but also through images, patents… especially product quality. Products. But building a brand is not a matter of a day or two, much less creating a name with an attractive logo and then applying for protection and rest assured waiting for a miracle to bring. for Business. Brand building is a process, with OIC NEW it is 9 years of establishment and persistent development under the motto “Prestige – Quality – Efficiency”. take product quality to serve the community, take the true value of the product as a guideline in competition in the market and more especially take the dedication to service and professional ethics to create quality products. quantity.

Health supplement Liquid Nano Curcumin OIC after 3 years on the market has been trusted by customers and received positive feedbacks. There are many customers who, after using the product, not only buy for themselves, for their relatives to use, but have become agents and distributors of products. Liquid Nano Curcumin OIC products are not only aimed at actively supporting people with gastrointestinal diseases such as: stomach, colon, high liver enzymes, .. or those who are and after radiation treatment for cancer. Tumors, postpartum women, want to beautify but also aim to protect comprehensive health for Vietnamese families.

Currently, OIC NEW has a distribution system of Liquid Nano Curcumin OIC products in more than 40 provinces/cities across the country, drugstores at hospitals such as: Hung Viet Oncology Hospital, Hospital of Air Defense Medicine. Military, Bao Son General Hospital, Dong Do Hospital. Moreover, the products have been present in many countries around the world such as Germany, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Poland, Angola,… OIC NEW will invest and further promote the export of products to the market. foreign school.

Following the success that the company has achieved, in the coming time, OIC NEW is expected to continue to bring to the market new products, not outside the criterion “For your family’s health”. These product lines are invested in a closed process from research to production and packaging, meeting the standards to meet the needs of domestic and international markets.

Experiencing many ups and downs, the OIC NEW brand has increasingly affirmed its prestige in the market and won a lot of love and trust from customers. That is a great motivation, helping the company grow stronger and reach further in the future.



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