Shark Tank Vietnam is not too strange for Vietnamese startups. Because this is a place where many young businesses with new products and business models seek investment and development opportunities.

Impressive deals are expected to flourish in the future thanks to the investments and cooperation of the Sharks. Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company (OIC NEW) is one of the science and technology enterprises that received an investment of up to 5 billion VND in the first season.

Receiving investment means receiving opportunities

At the end of 2017, OIC NEW with Nano Curcumin product participated in calling for investment in the business to receive VND 5 billion in exchange for 15% of shares and a commitment of 30% profit per year, with mortgage conditions. home. It was the enthusiasm of founder Luu Hai Minh – the determination to “plug in” that attracted the investment of Shark Phu as well as the attention of viewers.

 Ông Lưu Hải Minh tại Sharktank Việt Nam.

After more than 4 years, OIC NEW has established itself a strong position in the health food market. No longer struggling to find solutions to sell products to the market, now OIC NEW has built a network of agents from large hospital pharmacies to drug retailers nationwide. Products are also available on e-commerce platforms, reputable websites of distributors as well as enterprises’ own. Now mentioning Nano is referring to OIC NEW with wide coverage. In addition, according to founder Luu Hai Minh, not only domestic units, many distributors in the US, German and Japanese markets also propose to distribute products exclusively in these markets.

Continuous research and development

In 2017, OIC NEW brought to Shank Tank Vietnam only 1 new product to help overcome stomach disease to raise capital, but so far OIC NEW has researched and launched more than 5 other Nano products to support symptom relief. many chronic diseases such as liver, vestibular disorders, hemorrhoids, diabetes, blood fat,…

 Liquid Nano Curcumin in Sharktank.

The diversification in products helps OIC reach many customers, creating a biomedical Nano value chain – something that few medical and pharmaceutical businesses can do. With a lot of Nano research and products on the market, OIC NEW is proud to be the pioneer and leader in this technology and is recognized by the state as a Vietnamese science and technology enterprise.

Do not stop at the domestic but have to reach the international level

Not only the domestic market, OIC NEW directly competes in foreign markets such as the US, Japan, Singapore… Foreign partners choose to trust and import OIC NEW’s finished products. Despite difficulties in many import-export procedures in difficult markets, OIC NEW is confident with product quality that meets international standards to satisfy distributors as well as consumers. The presence in foreign markets is OIC’s first steps in entering a new market.  

Nano Curcumin OIC product on Amazon (USA).

Catching up with the global e-commerce trend (Global Selling), OIC NEW quickly put products on e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba… From here, OIC can easily contact and cooperate with many retailers other international distribution. The large orders placed through e-commerce platforms are increasingly proving that the attraction of the product in the global market is very high and competitive on the new playing field.

Accompany – cooperate – develop together

In our country, in recent years, the field of health foods has been increasingly interested by consumers because of the trend of “prevention is better than cure”. This is a stepping stone for the development of the health food industry. OIC NEW inherits the values of science and technology brought, is increasingly researching and developing more new products, helping Vietnamese health.

After more than 4 years, after raising capital from Shark Tank, OIC NEW is considered as one of the enterprises with outstanding strides. Going up from researchers, now the crystallization of science is well received by consumers as a great success of the business. By the quality of those scientific crystals, OIC NEW is not only interested by investors but also receives the trust and love of customers. It can be said that the “blood” of founder Luu Hai Minh has now forged valuable “gold bars” for businesses. Shark Tank is like a launch pad, but how high and how long it can fly is still based on the relentless efforts of the business.



Wound Healing Effects of Liposomal Nanocurcumin and PL Pro Nanocurcumin on Thermal Burn and Skin Ulcer

Anh Van Thi Pham1,#, Anh Quang Luong2,3,#, Dung Kim Thi Dao4, Vy Nhat Dao Nguyen4, TamCong Nguyen4, Thoa Thi Dao4, Long Hai Luu5,6, Lan Hai...
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Curcumin as a Potential Treatment for COVID-19

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Nano Fucolive – New formula for chemotherapy people

Recently, Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company has just launched a Nano product to help limit oxidative damage. Products used for people exposed to...
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OIC NEW and 11-year journey from pioneer to leader

Established in 2009 with the name Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company, OIC NEW has spent 7 years in-depth research on Nano technology. And...
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Inventor Luu Hai Minh and his big dream named Nano

Once considered an outsider in the biomedical industry, for more than 11 years, the inventor, Dr. Luu Hai Minh, has persistently written the story of...
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Sản phẩm Nano chất lượng cao của Việt Nam vươn ra thế giới

Inventor Luu Hai Minh is currently the Chairman of Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company and Vice Chairman of the Hanoi Association of Small...
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Inventor Luu Hai Minh: Aspiration to bring nanotechnology and Vietnamese medicinal herbs to the world

Succeeding in the information technology market, but with a passion for research and invention, Dr. Luu Hai Minh has ventured into the field of nanotechnology....
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Looking back on the journey of the controversial deal that committed a profit of 30%/year and mortgaged the house to receive an investment of 5 billion VND

The story at Sharktank Vietnam is the first season with the billion-dollar deal of Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company with Shark Phu. Nhat...
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